Encuentro con Mons. Paul Richard Gallagher, Secretario para las Relaciones con los Estados y las Organizaciones Internacionales
3 de junio de 2024
Reunión con el Cardenal Ángel Fernández Artime, Rector Mayor de los Salesianos
6 de junio de 2024Ambassador of Peru to the Holy See Luis Chuquihuara has just renewed his statements for 2024 as a member of the International role Gender Champion network:
- To foster the promotion of greater participation of women as a part of the debate in the different Vatican instances, following the magisterium of Pope Francis.
- To promote the image of St. Rosa de Lima as the first Latin American saint and patron saint of the Americas and, through her, to emphasize the role of the other women saints of the Catholic Church.
The network numbers over 330 active Champions and 340 Alumni who are the heads of International Organizations, Permanent Missions, and Civil Society Organizations who are committed to promote gender equality in their spheres of influence.